Carolee, Ron and Sabrina, are Where Service Matters

Thank you to Silver Star Award recipients, Carolee Owens, Ron Holmes, and Sabrina Burton at Altria for their dedication to outstanding customer service and assistance in a time of need. Since UPS failed to deliver a nametag order that was needed for a scheduled client event, our Where Service Matters team quickly supported the needs of Altria by tracking and reproducing the nametags in time for the event. Tracey Hughes, CMP, Associate Manager Meeting Planning at Altria, stated “I would like to recognize Sabrina in the Mail Center as well as, Carolee and Ron in the Print & Design Center. They were all extremely helpful when a missing package of executive name tags proved to be problematic. Sabrina assisted with tracking down the package with UPS and coordinating with the Mail Center at Bells Rd. to get it here, and as a “Plan B,” the PAD reprinted the order as it was for an executive event this evening. I know they have many other things to do and I appreciate everyone making this a priority.” Carolee, Ron and Sabrina, you are Where Service Matters!